CABAS – User Study Instructions

Please follow the instructions below to participate in our user study:

Downloading the app:

Download the APK file at aware-cabas-release-v0.apk If your browser blocks apk download, please try on another browser.

Installing the app:

Install the downloaded APK file on either browser or file manager.

  1. If “For your security, your phone is not allowed to install unknown apps from this source.” message pops up, tap on “Settings”. In settings panel, activate “Allow from this source” option.
  2. Tap on “Install” button at the right bottom corner of the screen. It may take 1-2 min. to install the app.
  3. For “Blocked by Play Protect” warning, select “Install Anyway” option.
  4. For “Send app for scanning?” warning, select “Don’t send” option.
  5. When “App installed” message appears, tap on “OPEN” button at the right bottom corner.


Permissions and settings:

  1. When the app is first started, it will ask for several permissions to be granted. For each permission popup, select “Allow” option.
  2. For “Stop optimizing battery usage?” message, select “Allow” option.
  3. At the notification panel “Please enable AWARE” message will appear. Tap on it and it will redirect to accessibility settings. Under services section, activate AWARE service. If you do not see this notification, please enable it manually on Settings->Accessibility>Services->AWARE.
  4. Important notice: If you do not enable AWARE on accessibility settings, AWARE app cannot work properly.
  5. Some devices do not show notification by default. In order to enable AWARE Accessibility settings manually, please go to Settings > Additional Settings and follow the path below:
    Accessibility screen More downloaded services screen
    AWARE screen


Registration for user study:

  1. Open AWARE app and read consent form. You need to confirm that you read consent form and participate voluntarily to sign up for the study.
  2. After completing the form about demographics, tap on Signup button. After this step, you will complete study registration process.
  3. Under Settings -> Lock screen and security -> Security -> Install unknown apps disable the install app option that you just enabled.



If you follow these steps and install the app properly, a questionnaire will popup at notification panel after you enter text with more than five characters and return to home screen. If you do not receive these questionnaires, this may indicate that there is a problem with installation. In such cases, please contact .

Note: If you deactivate Settings -> Accessibility -> Services -> AWARE option, AWARE stops collecting sensor data.

If you have any problem while following these instructions, please feel free to contact for any kind of support.